January 25, 2024
 min read

The best ways to build customer loyalty in 2024

Toby Yuen
Sr. Customer Success Manager

Welcome to 2024. Some things, like my inability to stick to a New Year’s resolution, have not changed. But there are some things, like customer expectations, that do change and are ever-evolving in the world of customer experience (CX).

Customer loyalty is important to a brand’s strategy. It is why marketers track metrics such as Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) and Lifetime Value (LTV). Loyal customers become advocates who drive business growth through repeat purchases and word-of-mouth, a timeless advertising form.

They’re profitable; they’ll continue to buy new products or services and typically are a cost-effective subset of customers to market to in comparison to acquiring new customers.

Lastly, these committed customers not only care about your brand but actively engage in providing valuable feedback. This fosters genuine organic brand advocacy through reviews or social media – a practice we can all admit influences our purchasing decisions as we navigate the digital marketplace.

In this post, we’ll cover the best ways marketers can build customer loyalty and drive value from it.

What customers now expect from brands

In this era, consumers are equipped with instant access to information and an abundance of products and services to choose from. Talk about information overload.

But this means customers are empowered to want more from brands. Your brand can break through the digital noise by adapting your strategy to what these customers are looking for:

  • More personalized interactions and higher-quality experiences
  • Authenticity and transparency
  • Trust when it comes to their data

With the noticeable movement in customer preferences, it’s key for businesses to understand the trends and adapt their strategies. Our advice? Throw your generic marketing tactics into the trash, and do it fast.

The shift toward personalized customer experiences

You’ve probably seen the buzzword “personalization” headlining the top marketing blogs for years, and 2024 is no different. Brands have direct access to their customer data. Some businesses let this data sit and collect the proverbial dust, but those who use it to personalize marketing communications will have a competitive edge and more effective marketing campaigns. Personalization is a key component of driving customer loyalty.

Tailor message to create a personalized customer experience

Customers in 2024 not only want — but also expect — businesses to cater to their individual needs. Consumers appreciate brands that engage with them on a personal level, acknowledging their specific preferences and history with the brand. This could be through targeted birthday emails or category-specific discounts based on their favorite items.

Brands that take the time to understand individual needs create a sense of connection and relevance. This is what nurtures a meaningful customer experience, which is the foundation for ‌turning a one-time shopper into a loyal and life-long customer.

Building customer loyalty with authenticity and transparency

Consumers are naturally interested in the quality of products or services. They’re also becoming increasingly conscious of the values and ethics upheld by a brand. This is evident with the amount of sustainability-focused brands that have emerged from the market.

Do a quick search on “green marketing” to see for yourself. To cultivate customer loyalty in this competitive landscape, brands should prioritize building trust with their consumer base.

Transparent communications about business practices, authentic brand storytelling, and social responsibility and sustainability efforts are a few things that contribute to developing a trusting brand-to-consumer relationship.

Let’s pretend, for example, that your business uses eco-friendly ingredients and zero-waste shipping material. If you educate your customers on your sustainability efforts, the customers who support this initiative will not only understand the importance of purchasing from your brand over a competitor’s, but you’ll also begin to strengthen your loyal customer base.

How technology and data influence customer loyalty

While technology facilitates the collection of customer data, it is equally important for brands to prioritize ethical and responsible data practices. Brands use technology to collect customer data, ranging from online browsing behavior and purchase history to demographic information.

These same tools can give brands an advantage by allowing them to leverage customer data, like advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc. This wealth of information empowers marketers to deliver personalized and targeted experiences.

Respecting customer privacy, obtaining consent for data collection, and ensuring data security are fundamental principles of building customer loyalty. Transparently communicating ‌how your customer’s data is used will strengthen ‌customer-brand trust and reinforce your company’s commitment to ethical conduct.

Strategies to build customer loyalty in 2024

There are so many different aspects of marketing and CX – it’s easy to put a dedicated customer loyalty strategy on the back burner. Here are some strategies to build customer loyalty that you can implement within your organization this year.

Exceed customer expectations: Go above and beyond the ordinary customer experience. Provide exceptional support for your customers, proactively address their concerns, and ensure that issues are resolved promptly.

Personalize the customer journey: Use all the data you’ve gathered to tailor your customer experience. Remove those batch and blast emails from your marketing calendar and set up tailored promotions based on actual behavior and individual preferences.

customer loyalty illustration

Build strong emotional connections: Engage with your customers on a personal level to cultivate positive brand perception. Consider creating communities of brand advocates, which will foster a loyal like-minded community with a sense of belonging.

Reward loyal customers: Your customers want a beneficial experience with your brand. Implementing a loyalty program will celebrate your loyal customers and reward repeat business. If you already have a loyalty program, make sure you’re offering exclusive experiences to incentivize continued participation with your brand.

Prioritize customer feedback: Actively welcome customer feedback. Loyal customers will be honest with what they think about your product or service. Use that to improve.

Embrace transparency and authenticity: Honesty is the best policy; in 2024, brands should follow this golden rule. Acknowledge any mistakes your organization makes and hold your business accountable for any issues customers experience. Customers will appreciate ‌open communication.

Be socially responsible: Publicly share ‌important social issues that align with your brand. Causes that resonate with your customer will lead to and promote a genuine customer-brand relationship.

Leverage technology for better engagement: There’s a myriad of marketing technology platforms in this world that support marketing efforts. Use these tools to automate your personalized communications. You can take it a step further and analyze customer data to gain insights and optimize your existing strategies, such as your loyalty program.

“Customer loyalty” isn’t just another buzzword


Remember: customer loyalty is a strategic necessity that requires an understanding of evolving consumer expectations and a commitment to meeting them. As we dive deeper into this competitive market, brands must adapt and evolve with their customers by focusing on understanding what their customers want and exceeding those expectations.

As we look ahead, keep the leading customer trends top-of-mind. Meet your empowered customers’ expectations. Be authentic, be you. And lastly, use the tools and data at your disposal, but do so ethically and responsibly.

Brands that prioritize their customers’ wants and embrace these strategies will weather the ever-changing customer experience landscape.

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